Agent Agreement Parties

Agent Agreement Parties

Agent Agreement Parties: A Closer Look

An agent agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a relationship between an agent and a principal. The agreement sets forth the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the parties involved in the transaction. There are generally three parties to an agent agreement: the agent, the principal, and the third party.

The Agent

The agent is the person who represents the principal in a transaction. They are responsible for negotiating deals, conducting business on behalf of the principal, and following the instructions of the principal. Agents can be real estate agents, insurance brokers, or any person who acts on behalf of another.

In an agent agreement, the agent`s duties may include finding potential buyers or sellers, negotiating contracts, collecting payments, and providing information about the transaction to the principal. The agent is expected to act with the utmost care and diligence to ensure that the principal`s interests are protected.

The Principal

The principal is the person who hires the agent to act on their behalf. They can be individuals, businesses, or organizations. The principal is responsible for paying the agent`s fees and commissions, providing the necessary information and documentation about the transaction, and approving any decisions made by the agent.

In an agent agreement, the principal`s duties may include providing the agent with all relevant information about the transaction, making timely payments, and giving approval for any actions taken by the agent.

The Third Party

The third party is the person or entity that is involved in the transaction but is not a party to the agent agreement. They can be buyers, sellers, lenders, or any other individuals or entities that are affected by the transaction.

In an agent agreement, the third party`s rights may include the right to receive timely and accurate information about the transaction, the right to negotiate the terms of the transaction, and the right to dispute any actions taken by the agent on their behalf.


An agent agreement is an important and complex legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved in a transaction. It is important to understand the roles of the agent, the principal, and the third party before entering into an agreement. If you are considering hiring an agent to represent you in a transaction, it is important to consult with a legal expert who can help you navigate the complexities of an agent agreement.